Thursday, December 29, 2005

Santa came to KOA!!

WHAAAT? Santa chopped his beard, got a haircut and wears hideous yellow T-shirts?!?! Nope, it's my uncle Darol, and I've told him many times that he should get a job as Santa at the mall; Uhh, he would get the job for sure!! And yes, it's true, people actually stay at your local KOA for Christmas, heck I did!!! Oh, but that's because my parents actually own one. And I didn't have the wonderful pleasure of staying in an RV, a cabin or a tent . . . I stayed in my parents' house on the property. Let's back up to the pre KOA experience; before I left to go visit my parents, I got horribly sick!! I had awful body aches, headache, congestion in my head and chest and pretty much just felt like trash!! So I took some good ole' Robistussin to soothe the aches, but no, instead I get HIVES!!

I went to find a pic of hives on google, and who knew?! There is actually a group called THE HIVES!!! Ummm, there are no words to convey about this one . . . uhh, I'm sure someone somewhere in the world likes them . . .

And no, I didn't get these hives - I got the itchy, red kind all over my body and my face!! As if being sick wasn't enough!!

So I was up all night coughing and itching until I couldn't take it anymore, yes, I Nikki Caldon broke down and went to see the doctor!! I know, I know, for as much as I hate to see the Kaiser doctor's who pretty much just don't give a flyin' flapjack about your condition, I gave in. My doctor took one look at me and said, Oh, dear - I think your pretty sick!! (Ya think?!?!!?! No Sh*t Sherlock!) And I pay this guy?!?! Anywho he gave me some pretty strong antibiotics (which I only take if absolutely necessary) and he told me to stay away from the Robitussin. (double no-brainer doc) He did give me Vicodin for all of the horrible pain that I was in. I was very appreciative of the Vicodin however; it did curb the pain and made me feel REEAAALL goood!!!! Happy times!!! So I was drugged up for christmas and feelin' real special. So we arrived at my mom and dad's house at around 7pm on Saturday night. We had a pretty easy going evening just talking and watching our new dog, Colby, chase after my mom's little dog, booger, oops, I mean buster!! (He looks like a booger though) Actually he looks like a hotdog- he's a dachsund. I'm thinking that my dog is either gay or obsessed with other doggie's weiners, because my dog was literally trying to go after my mom's dog's winkie the whole time!!! And when my uncle's dog came over to play, my dog did the same thing to him!!! Great, I have a horny dog!! Fun stuff. Well, if that's the only problem he has than good deal. My dog is awesome; he obeys commands, he's housebroken and he is just plain cool. So anyway, we got up at a decent hour on christmas day and the kids went nuts over all of the super cool presents that my parents lavished upon them. I wish I had pictures, but I forgot my camera and I'm waiting for my mom to email hers. I'll post them when I get the chance. Needless to say, christmas was awesome!! That evening, I brought out some super cool foot scrub that I concocted and gave everyone a foot bath, salt scrub and massage. It was much appreciated by all - they were all happy smiles and in a good mood after I got done with them; I on the other hand, got a foot bath full of grimy toe-jam water to clean up!! Oh well, the things I do for people . . .

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Karate kicks, bruises and "Bad Sifu"

So I started taking karate a little over a month ago, and it has been a wonderful "outlet" for me, being a busy full - time mother of three wonderful, yet busy children! I love learning all of the new moves and the way I feel all bruised and sore after every practice!! ( haha) I am currently trying to "achieve" my first stripe on my white belt; yes, yes, I know, I'm pretty special -
eh- hem . . . Anyways, I was able to make it to my first Saturday class, (a miracle in and of itself) and I had the best time!! The weather was perfect for the occasion; rainy and cold. (My idea of a wonderful day spent inside!!) I learned a Karate technique called "Sparring". It is a form of training common to martial arts, and although it's precise form varies, it is relatively free-form fighting. It has enough rules, customs or agreements to make injury unlikely. Okay, so enough of the technical jibber jabber about it . . . it's basically, just pretty much - alot of fun!! I got to put on all sorts of "cool" gear consisting of a big, bulky (sexy, I might add; J/K!! ) chest protector, sparring gloves and shoes. I looked like serious business folks. Think Bruce Lee meets Rocky. . . I felt pretty clumsy, but it worked out okay. So I got to practice kicking and throwing punches with my super awesome instructor, uh, I mean, Sifu, AKA - "Bad Sifu" . . . (I will protect the identity of his real name for his privacy) Oh and no, "Bad Sifu" not a cheesy pun on bad seafood; I got the whole "411" on the name - it's a whole Yin - Yang thing, don't ask . . . After we practiced kicks and punches, we brought the mats out to practice Sparring. We learned a move called "Arm Bars"? (I think that is what it is called) I had a very interesting and fun time learning these . . . I don't think I got enough practice time though; I had to leave early, so I probably need to be taught all over again and just practice them over and over again until I get it just right. The only drawback to all of this great fun is that I aquired quite a lovely looking bruise on my shin from kicking "bad Sifu" in the forearm - ouch!! I should be looking wonderfully "marked up" in just a few weeks time- afterall, who needs tattoos when they can have a nice collection of never-ending bruises all over their body?!?! (they make for great little "conversations pieces") Good times, good times . . . Well, as a friend of mine recently commented, not every day can be filled with
"rainbows and roses" . . .

(Oh, uh, what is that?!?! Rainbows and Roses?! No way . . .)

Well I my response to that, my dear friend is that I try to make every day full of "rainbows and roses", even when the sky is gloomy and the people around you are poking you with their "cold pricklies" and creating a horrible stench with their personalities!! (Okay, so I went alittle "over the top" with that one, but then again, I'm alittle "over the top" anyways!!) Well, I am definitely looking forward to this Tuesday where I can "add to my fine collection" of bruises!! (It's not really that bad; I'm just a big baby!!) Well, *Set* * Salute* and *Bows* to all of you, and have a great week if I don't see you!! (you know who you are)

**Note to self: Okay, it appears to everyone that I am a complete dork for blogging about my karate experiences, but on the other hand, who the heck cares?!?!?!

P.S.S. - I still argue that a "silent KI" shouldn't be called that, because it's not really silent, I think they should rename it a "quiet KI", but that's just me . . .

Friday, December 16, 2005

Places of Acknowledgement and Healing

So the wheels have been turning in my head, (it's an amazing thing when this happens, hee hee!) and in the process I wrote a couple of songs. I'll share them with you, but I don't think that you can feel the full impact of them without hearing them. I dunno, maybe sometime soon I'll make the time to go record them in my friend's studio. (Not that I think that they are going to be #1 hits any time soon!!)
I wrote the first one out of my past life experiences. The song reveals how God took my heart - something that had been so damaged and broken, mostly from my own poor choices in life, and the beautiful way He carefully "knit" together something that I thought was completely beyond repair.

The second song that I wrote is taken from the book of Job in the bible. It is his cry for help to the Lord in his time of great despair and distress. Now I don't think that I have "arrived" with this healing process; rather, I have come to a place of peace in my own heart, and a knowledge that the God of this universe wants to know who I am. God wants me to be able to understand the story of my life, to know where I have come from, and to know where I am going . . .

~ Needle and Thread ~

(Verse 1)
Flesh wounds, open bleeding
The cuts are deep, seething
Self-inflicted from my past hurts and pride
Collapsing I fall from the fast and the furious ride

Bitter Tears flow down, from all that I 've thought and believed
Paying the ransom for all, I've sought and I've seeked
Capture me

Like a needle and thread
You did what you said
You took my heart and you lead
The path of forgiveness
Sewing mercies of healing and love
Reviving breath of God come in restore
Restore again

(verse 2)
Truth and mercy remain
To remind of this gain
No longer a slave to my hurt and pain
Father you've come to remove this sadness and shame

Healing words flood in
To knit and to mend
This appendaged and broken
With your grace I'm found
Now mercy abounds
Love abounds

Come and enter
this wound with Your life
won’t You heal me
from pain and from strife
open up, open up and enter in
open up, open up and heal within

~Righteous One~

(Verse 1)
My face is red with weeping
Deep shadows they ring my eyes
Yet my hands have been free from violence
And my prayers are pure and true

Answer me when I call to you
Oh God my Righteous One
And Give me relief from my distress
Be to me and hear my prayer

O God, my Righteous One
O God, my Righteous One

(verse 2)
Hear my prayer O God
Listen to the words of my mouth
Surely God is my help
And the Lord is the One
Who sustains me and hears my voice

Thursday, December 15, 2005

A great quote . . . unfortunately not mine!!

As many of you know, I love a good quote when I hear or read of it. This one is out of a book that I just finished called Captivating. Naturally it is written by none other than John Eldredge - my favorite author of all time.

Now we should live when the pulse of life is strong. Life is a tenuous thing . . . fragile, fleeting. Don't wait for tomorrow.

Be here now! Be here now! Be Here now!

Be here now . . .

- Anonymous

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas time, Karate and other stuff . . .

So it is nearing that wonderful time again, Christmas time. I am really never prepared for it; it kinda sneaks up on me . . . and yes I am one of those people who usually has great intentions to get Christmas cards out on time but if you ever get one from me, it's usually there somewhere around New Years Day!!! Yes, I Nikki Caldon, am a procrastinator!! Not because I want to be, but it just sorta happens! Anyway, it's that and the fact that I have a hard time getting Chris to make the time to take a nice family pic to send along with my Christmas cards. Moving on, we are spending Christmas Day in Eygpt!!

Well, okay, it's not really Eygpt but I think that it looks like Eygpt!! Yes, as many of you know my parents moved to Visalia, California earlier this year to semi - retire and run a business, a KOA campground - fun stuff. Anyways, we are going to visit Chris' grandparents in San Jose on Christmas Eve, and then drive on over to Eyg . . . ehherrr, ehem, I mean Visalia! It's pretty "unchristmas-like" at my house this year; we didn't even get a tree due to the fact that we are moving next month. So instead of the wonderful smell of pine, the fun ornaments collected thru the years, the great little white lights, the super cool "christmas train" that we received last year from Chris' grandparents, I get to stare at the endless boxes that I've packed . . . that really bites!!

So as many of you know I've started doing Karate. It is soo much fun and I am discovering new muscles that I forgot I had!! Oooh, the pain . . . I look like a big goof in my white karate Gi and an even bigger goof trying to practice all of the moves - but before you know it I'll be kicking some serious "Karate ass", so watch out world, (writer pauses, thinks about it for a split second, and then let's out a big fat belly laugh, Hahahahahaaaaa!!! shakes her head and says, WHATEEEVER!!) Anywhoo, it's pretty fun and it's a great workout too!!

So the "other stuff" . . . hmmm, well, I guess there's not much "other stuff" to tell, Oh! I did make Christmas cookies yesterday with the kids; while they had tons of fun making and decorating them, I think they tasted like garbage!!! Are they always like that?!?! I forget, it's been awhile since I've made them. Well, to all of you have a verry merry Christmas, a safe and sober New Years, (but if you must drink, drink well, and DON'T drive!!) and I'm sure we'll visit most of you during the Holiday season!! Take care for now, Feliz' Navidad, and Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Well folks, it's official . . . I am going to have a new sister-n-law!!! Yep, yep, my brother finally did the deed, he proposed to Jenna - FINALLY!!!! After about 3 1/2 years of ups. downs and all arounds in their relationship, they have decided that they can't live without eachother. So next summer sometime in August, Brett and Jenna will "tie the knot".

My kids will be in the wedding of course, Christopher and Joshua will be ring bearers and Alexandria will be the pretty little flower girl. I am in the wedding too as a bridesmaid. Fun stuff . . . So we went out to dinner to a new restaurant in Santa Rosa last night called Flavour or something like that - it was awesome food!!! Brett and Jenna met us there for dinner, it was a good time. They just made googley eye contact and gave mushy gushy kisses all night - I think I threw up in my mouth alittle bit at one point; or maybe it was just the richness of the port wine I had along with chocolate torte for dessert. I dunno . . .

So our moving date is getting closer . . . FINALLY!! I am so "unthrilled" with Christmas this year that I'm not even getting a tree. I feel like it's too much work to drag all of the Christmas decorations out when most of my house is already packed up. Yes, yes I got an early start on packing, but as you should all know, I have this packing thing down to a science being that this will be the SEVENTH, count, SEVENTH time we've moved in six-in-a half years!!!!!!Good Lord!!! HAVE MERCY!!! If I move just one more time . . . . AAGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Well, that's all I have to say about that . . . venting done, enough said.

Monday, November 28, 2005

A KOA Thanksgiving . . .

So we went to my parents for Thanksgiving this year. As many of you know they moved to Central California earlier this year to "retire". They bought a KOA campground in Visalia, California. The campground itself is cool, but they live out in the middle of nowhere!!!! (Think Eygpt) Well we left to go to my parents' house on Wednesday night and arrived at midnight. The six hour drive there was pretty eventless, although my brother Bubba came along with us; he's a pretty funny guy!!! (who wouldn't be with a name like BUBBA?!?!) the next morning, (Thanksgiving Day) I helped my mom cook, and I think I made about 6 grocery runs for her. One of the grocery store runs was for lightbulbs, yes, lightbulbs, let me explain. See, my parents are full of endless projects and since my brother was there to be of assistance, my dad thought it would be a novel idea to install a ceiling fan in their living room on Thanksgiving Day!!!!
(My dad is pretty "over the top", a real character of sorts) Dad, WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!?! It's a holiday for God's sake!!! All I can do is laugh and shake my head . . . This is my family folks!! Oh, and before that, my brother knew what kind of day it was going to be and Chris wanting to escape it all . . . .Well they made a little grocery store run for themselves . . . they went and bought a bottle of RUM!!!

So Chris and my brother were drinking rum and coke all day long!!! I can't believe that my brother was actually installing a ceiling fan, standing on a high ladder, while drinking endless servings of rum and coke!!! Good thing he was drunk, it would have eased the pain had the fan fallen on him!!! LOL!!! The funny thing is that my parents pulled out some wine and my mom, dad and I were drinking endless glasses of wine all day!!! To inform you of the importance of this: My parents NEVER drink in front of us!!!! They think that it is improper!! In the past, they have only reserved a occasional glass of wine for "special occasions" and only in the privacy of their own home in front of no one but themselves. So, in short, pulling out the wine was a big deal for them to do!! Either they are "Loosening up in their old age" or they figured that it would be a hell of a weekend with the family all there!!! Oh, did I mention that my uncle Darol and his wife co-own the campground? Well he's a pretty interesting guy . . . Thus the pic of him to the left . . .

Well we got done cooking around 3:30pm and started to bring the food over to their recreation hall. Did I mention that we were cooking for 40 people?!?!? Oh yes, my parents extened Thanksgiving Dinner for all of the campers staying at their KOA!! Who stays at a Freakin' KOA for Thanksgiving anyway?!?! Well these people did and they weren't "drifters" either!!! Nice families, middle class incomes and they were camping, mostly in their "high class RV's" staying at KOA for Thanksgiving!! Who knew? Well we had a good time anyway and I got to use my nursing skills on a little camper about 5 years old who bit her finger while eating her turkey!!! I think she missed the memo on the fact that we were eating turkey, not chicken fingers!!! Anyway, I cleaned her wound and bandaged her up and she was a "happy camper" again!! (no pun intended).......... (okay, pun intended!!)It turned out to be an enjoyable time and we spent the weekend just relaxing and going shopping!!! My cup of tea indeed!!! SIDE NOTE: We went RING SHOPPING with my brother for a pre-engagement ring for Jenna!!!

He left Friday afternoon so he could be home that evening to take her out and FINALLY profess his love for her and willingness to COMMIT!!! (I'll keep you all updated on the progress of that one) Anywho, we went to my parents' church on Sunday and the pastor surprised us by asking Chris and I to do a song for their offering!! (don't ever tell anybody if you are a musician, you'll find yourself in some pretty interesting predicaments!!) So we kindly obliged and it worked out famously. They bum rushed us after church begging for autographs, hee hee!!! J/K Well, all of the little girls did think that I was pretty cool though!!

P.S. - I didn't know that little girls still got perms these days, but apparently it is a "fad" in their little gathering!! Fun stuff!! Anyway, we had fun and we got to go out to lunch to Olive Garden with half of the congregation after service. It was a good time . . . and my grandpa footed the bill for the whole table!! (about 20 people) Hats off to you Gramps!! Well, we packed up after lunch and headed home. We rolled in about 11pm last night and crashed!!! So that was our eventful Thanksgiving weekend!! Stay tuned for "A KOA CHRISTMAS" . . .

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A howling good time . . .

So we went to our good friend's, Lars and Danielle Norlund's 2nd annual Halloween party. (We missed the first, as we were in Colorado. ) I have to admit, in the past, I had been very hesitant to let my kids dress up for Halloween. It's sort of a religious hang up that I've had; it stems from my upbringing that Halloween is completely of the devil and that we good christians are to have nothing to do with it. While I agree that Halloween in and of itself is pretty morbid and evil, I have resolved myself to the fact that there is nothing wrong with letting my children dress up in fun costumes and having a hayday in going door to door with big pillowcases, and filling them with as much candy as possible for one night out of the year. Afterall, I know in my heart that I don't love the devil or condone evil things. So, I will not keep my kids from the fun any longer, and with no remorse or guilt I will freely let them celebrate Halloween; as long as the costumes don't represent death or evil. We had a great time at the Norlunds' house, playing games, carving pumpkins, and eating lots of food and candy. Chris looked so disgusting that every time I looked at him, I nearly vomited! He was supposed to be a "derilict from our very own Lake County". I have to say, he looked very similar to the fine folks I've seen walking around our local Wal-mart here in Lake County. I, basically didn't have anything else to wear, and I wasn't about to go out and spend any money on a costume, so I pulled some treasures out of my closet and simply went as a "catholic school girl". Chris secretly told all of the guys at the party that I was a catholic school girl/stripper, and I couldn't figure out why they were all looking at me so funny and bug-eyed; that is until Chris told me "his secret." Christopher went as a "space age police man", but he forgot his helmet, so it didn't complete the look so well. Joshie was SUPPOSED to be Mr. Incredible, and we spent a good $40.00 on his costume at the Disney store, but he insisted that he wear his old, torn and beat up Spiderman costume from last year. I gave in and let him; he even wore his funky snow boots to complete the look - I think he looked alittle more like Napolean Dynamite on steroids!! Allie on the other hand looked absolutely adorable as a ballerina princess. (she LOVES pretty things - she has definitely become ALL GIRL!!) Needless to say, we had a great time and can't wait until Halloween to go hunting for candy!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The cat is out of the bag . . .

Okay, so I guess that the word has spread. Chris and I are making plans to move back to Colorado Springs, CO. I know, I know, I know!!! Once again we are moving!! Your thinking - "They just moved!!" You're right, we did, and we love it up here in Hidden Valley Lake, but Chris has had this burning desire to start his own business for a long time now. He would start it here in California, but there is too much competition where we live and in the surrounding areas. Chris has been researching and studying the business market in Colorado Springs, and it will definitely be profitable there. Chris knows his industry well and I know he will do smashingly. We can't go there with the uncertainty of failure or success, for it is better to try and fail, than to never try at all.

We will still help Frank with the CD as much as we can, until we leave in May of 2006. (pic of Frank playing at his wedding about a million years ago!! Frank Dahling - you're STILL the rockstar buaby, and don't you forget it!! **commented with a british, slightly austin powers accent) So from here on out, we will be very busy folks, saving money, planning and setting up the business. I really feel okay about going back there, especially now that most of my family has uprooted and moved away from Sonoma County. Yes, bubs, your still here, but you're too busy anyways, fighting fires and arresting people!! By the way, congrats to Brett who is finishing up Police Academy and already has a job lined up with the Police/Fire Dept. of Rohnert Park, being a policeman/Firefighter!! (In RP you have to be both, who knew?!) Ladies, pay attention: Good looking, single,church goin' man in uniform making good money = WOW!! Anywho, six months is a long time before we move, but we have alot to do before then. We will make the time to get together with our dear friends as much as possible between now and then, so no worrys - we won't forget about you!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Getting older, Guinness and Skin Tags?!

I have been a little down lately. No my dog didn't die. I don't even have a dog. You see today is my birthday and I've been dreading it for some reason. It is my last year as a twenty-something. Looking in the mirror has not been fun. I'm starting to see those once foreign things called "fine lines" and gravity taking it's toll around my cheeks, under my eyes and other unmentionable places. I know, I know, it's vain but it's still not fun to be seeing these things on my face!! Oh, and I'll share a little secret with you; I noticed a little "growth" of skin under my armpit about 5 months ago. I didn't know what to do about it. A friend told me that she gets these "growths" all of the time and that she just cuts them off!! Cuts them off, I thought?!?! Are you freakin' crazy? Ouch! I was doing some research yesterday on the internet for a project I'm working on, and a little ad for cosmetic surgery popped up. Normally I wouldn't have thought twice to click on the "X" box to get it off of my screen, but a little twinge of curiosity nudged me to click on it. A website for a plastic surgery center popped on my screen. Fascinated, I looked at all of the possibilities of having a smaller nose, a tighter face, smoother eyes, spider veins zapped and perky boobs. It all looked grandious, I was ready; sign me up! I found out the general cost for all of these procedures and added them up. I was horrified as I saw the grand total -

Twenty thousand dollars!!! Twenty frickin' thousand dollars! Well, I left the website even more depressed than when I entered - afterall, I don't think that I'm going to have twenty thousand dollars to throw around in the next few years!! (I think that website was of the devil !!) Anyways, I went along with my day even more "down in the dumps" that when I started. I was in a generally, all around bad mood when Chris got home; I just wanted to hide. So after we put the kids to bed I retreated to my glorious bathroom.

On a side note, I absolutely LOVE my master bathroom!! I have NEVER had such a great bathroom! I have a double vanity sink, a shower and a huge oval tub. So I climbed in my tub, dumped some healthy seaweed soak stuff in and sat. After sitting for a few minutes, I realized that I don't just sit and relax too often!! It felt soo good! Chris knocked on the door about 10 minutes into my bath
and at first I was alittle irritated. But he came in to give me an early birthday card, so my irritation melted. He gave me a towel to dry my hands off and I opened the card. It said on the front, "There are two reasons why I want to be with you on your birthday: 1. I love you. " On the inside there is this wolf with his eyes bugged out with springs and it's tongue sticks out and it says, "2. I've seen you naked!" I got a good laugh out of that one!

It cheered me up to the point that I thought I would keep the spark of laughter going by finding all of the alcohol in the house, which consisted of a guinness beer and the last of the white wine in our fridge. (about 1 almost full glass) Pathetic I know, that I have to find alcohol to get my spirits up, but I really just needed to take my mind off of things. So I downed the wine and beer, and immediately I felt that warm, fuzzy sensation to my brain. I started laughing and then went rambling on about something like, "Well, screw the plastic surgery, I'll do my own plastic surgery!!"

"Hunny, get the scissors, let's cut off my ugly skin tag!!" So Chris is like, alright chick, you've lost it, but he went and got the scissors. He was frightened to death, but I just kept saying, come on, just do it, so on the count of three he cut it off. It pinched slightly, which led me to believe that if I wasn't liquered up that it really would of hurt! It bled and I just looked at it, laughed and yelled, "yep! It's a bleeder! We got a bleeder over here! He ran and got a towel and then I instructed him to go get the antiseptic solution and a band-aid. I couldn't stop laughing through the whole thing. Needless to say we had a GREAT night if ya know what I mean and I woke up today on my birthday feeling a renewed sense of being okay with who I am, even without all of the plastic surgery. (and no headache from all of the booze! Believe me, that's a good amount of alcohol for me) So goes the saying that "Beauty is only skin deep . . . "

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Gracious Uncertainty

Throughout my life, mostly in my married life, I have done so many different things, moved SO many times and changed the course of direction that I was headed in a million times. You see, when I set out to do something, a project, a new career field, a ministry opportunity, I was really excited and I had every intention of doing just that thing for a very long time. But somehow, something always happened along the way; it's not that I "flaked out" of the situation, things just sooner or later shifted/changed and fell through.
People have often "criticized" me for not having a clear direction with what I want to do in my life, or the fact that my plans often change. (Like I planned on them changing!!) But through all of my experiences in life, I have learned many different skills and valuable lessons that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I realized that God had a reason and purpose for everything I've been through. I have also learned what I want and don't want to do in life. Now, I am not saying that it's not good to have some clear direction and obtainable goals for your life, but I am saying that it's okay to not always know where your going in life. Don't bank on the fact that when you set out to do something that it will turn out just as you had imagined it to. Having that mind set will lead to unfulfilled expectations. Having an open mind and heart is essential to this crazy journey called life. Let me quote from a book that I've been reading called "Wild at Heart" written by John Eldridge, to explain what I mean. When I read this, my life (physical and spiritual) made so much sense!!

"The spiritual life cannot be made suburban," said Howard Macey. "It is always frontier and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed." The greatest obstacle to realizing our dreams is the false self's hatred of mystery. That's a problem, you see, because mystery is essential to adventure. More than that, mystery is the heart of the universe and the God who made it. The most important aspects of any man's world - his relationship with his God and with the people in his life, his calling, the spiritual battles he'll face - every one of them is fraught with mystery. But that is not a bad thing; it is a joyful, rich part of reality and essential to our soul's thirst for adventure. As Oswald Chambers says,

Naturally, we are inclined to be so mathmatical and calculating that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing . . . Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life; gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth. This is generally said with a sigh of sadness; it should rather be an expression of breathless expectation.
(My Utmost for His Highest)

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Gil Bailie

I now know that I needn't worry about all of the different paths that my life has followed. Each one of them has lead me to a greater understanding about myself and about who God is, and how gracious and deep His love runs for me; that He would cause me to adventure on all of these rough, exciting and unknown journeys in life. At the end of every path I have gained at least one valuable thing . . . Character. - Nikki Caldon

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Will u go 4 God?!

While we were visiting my parents over the Labor Day weekend, we watched the news every morning as it reported about the devastation left from hurricane Katrina, and flooding in the south. As we all tearfully watched, I felt completely helpless and wanted to do something. I cried every time I saw another victim hurting, lonely and fearful of their future. I just wanted to reach through the tv and hold them in my arms, give them a big hug and wipe all of their tears away. But what could I possibly do?! Afterall, I'm a mother of three and can't readily take off down south to minister to these people.

When I got home, I checked my e - mail and read about a friend of mine that was actually going to the south with a relief team from his church!! His website directed me to a ministry called UGO4GOD. UGO4GOD, along with Hope Chapel in Santa Rosa, California, and a few other ministries, have joined together to raise donations and send relief effort teams out to help the people of these devastated areas. They have been collecting donated food, clothes and medical supplies. They have sent the donated items by truckloads along with ministry teams to help distribute the items donated, and in conjunction have been there to minister to the hurting and broken people of these areas. Chris and I decided to get our youth group involved, so we made a picture slide show of the devastation along with a powerful song to stir up the youth and get them motivated to help.

What an impacting video clip; we all bitterly wept as we realized our selfish ways as spoiled Americans. It opened our eyes to be thankful for all that we DO have. Interesting that our topic of the night was, "Where do your priorities/passions in life lie?" The pictures spoke volumes about what is truly at stake here. The possesions that these people once owned, are now meaningless, compared to the things they now need just to survive. (note: NEED - We as Americans are just beginning to know what that word truly means)

That is the beauty of helping others in need. It makes us take the focus off of ourselves and redirects our attention to the needs of another. It also changes our way of thinking about the definition of what our REAL needs are.

We decided to set up a donation drive in front of our local Wal-mart. I needed to find out what items that UGO4GOD needed the most, so I got into contact with them. When I called, one of the team leaders' wives, Lori Gonzales, answered the phone. She let me know that they would certainly not turn away donated items, but the dilemma that they have been facing is the incredible cost of driving all of the donated items to the south. It has been costing them over $2,000.00 PER LOAD to go and come back.

So they are now asking people who want to get involved to donate Wal-mart gift cards at any amount. They are then going to send volunteer teams from Santa Rosa over to the affected areas in Mississippi and Louisiana with these gift cards, so they can purchase the supplies needed at a local Wal - mart when they get there. This will alleviate the cost of trying to ship donated items from afar. Chris and I are contacting all of the churches in Lake County and asking for their support in buying Wal-mart gift cards. Wal-mart is completely booked until October 8th to set up a donation booth, so in the meantime we are asking the churches to help raise money for these gift cards. Lori from UGO4GOD ministries, was so thankful and supportive over the phone - I haven't met her in person yet, but what an incredible, sweet and genuine woman of God she is!! I look forward to meeting her soon!

If you would like to get involved with what we are doing here in Lake County or Santa Rosa, please feel free to call me at:

(707) 889-0629.

Thank you to all of those who have helped us so far;

~ Lord, thank you for compelling your children to reach out with a heart of love and compassion to the battered, broken and poor in Spirit . . . ~

Will u go for God?

To find out more about how you can help, get up and go to:

To keep up with the current and ongoing Katrina Relief efforts go to:

Oasis in Eygpt - AKA Visalia, California

It's been a long time since my last post, but I've been busy!! Chris and I headed off for Labor Day weekend to visit my parents at their new KOA campground business in Visalia, California. They actually live in a house on the property. It's pretty much in the middle of nowwhere. Timbucktwo, Egypt, I tell ya. To give you a little bearing, Visalia is about forty - five minutes past Fresno. Yep, I told you, IN THE MIDDLE OF NOW WHERE!! The whole time we were getting closer to my parents' campground, I'm thinking to myself; Mom, Dad - What were you EVEN Thinking?!?! The campground is actually in the outskirts of Visalia.

Their campground is really cool though - They have log cabins, campground sites, RV sites, a swimming pool, general store, a playground and a recreation room with a game center, complete with video games and pool tables. My parents each own a golf cart in which they toole around the campground with, so Chris and I had to check these babies out!! We had a blast! As we were driving around the campground, we stumbled upon a tether ball playground!! So for sure, we hopped out of the golf cart and did a little Napolean Dynamite action!! I almost beat Chris, but he threw the tether ball over my head and CHEATED and won!! "You idiot, gosh!" Anyway we had a great time with my parents and grandparents.

Could this be tether ball heaven?! Flippin' sweet!!!!

In the actual city of Visalia, however, they have 2 malls, (bonus) and every stinking restaurant that you can think of!! (including my personal fav's, Mimi's Cafe and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!) My parents royally spoiled us the whole time and I thoroughly enjoyed every waking moment!! (especially the day trip to the mall with the "get what ever you like" ticket for the kids AND chris and I!! Let's just say my parent's dropped a pretty penny in American Eagle Outfitters and Old Navy!! Oh, the kids would like to also thank Stride Rite shoes for the killer light up tennies) Anyway, we had a great time - unfortunately, we don't have any pictures because my lovely boys decided that it would be fun to take the memory card out of my digital camera and rip the micro chip off of it!!! Oh well, once I can save up for a new memory card, (I don't even know how much they cost) I will post more pics of the family. I googled the pics of my parents' campground in Visalia; yes those are actual pics of their campground and amenities, uh, minus the tether ball heaven - oh and, actually, I think I saw Napolean walking around the campground, for sure! (At least he looked like Napolean Dynamite; I think he was from Idaho too! ;) ) FYI: My dad built those cabins with his own bare hands - and the help of my sometimes good and kinda trusty bro', bubba. Bubbs, ya know I love ya eventhough you act like a schmoe!! (You KNOW what I mean!)