When I got home, I checked my e - mail and read about a friend of mine that was actually going to the south with a relief team from his church!! His website directed me to a ministry called UGO4GOD. UGO4GOD, along with Hope Chapel in Santa Rosa, California, and a few other ministries, have joined together to raise donations and send relief effort teams out to help the people of these devastated areas. They have been collecting donated food, clothes and medical supplies. They have sent the donated items by truckloads along with ministry teams to help distribute the items donated, and in conjunction have been there to minister to the hurting and broken people of these areas. Chris and I decided to get our youth group involved, so we made a picture slide show of the devastation along with a powerful song to stir up the youth and get them motivated to help. What an impacting video clip; we all bitterly wept as we realized our selfish ways as spoiled Americans. It opened our eyes to be thankful for all that we DO have. Interesting that our topic of the night was, "Where do your priorities/passions in life lie?" The pictures spoke volumes about what is truly at stake here. The possesions that these people once owned, are now meaningless, compared to the things they now need just to survive. (note: NEED - We as Americans are just beginning to know what that word truly means)
That is the beauty of helping others in need. It makes us take the focus off of ourselves and redirects our attention to the needs of another. It also changes our way of thinking about the definition of what our REAL needs are.
We decided to set up a donation drive in front of our local Wal-mart. I needed to find out what items that UGO4GOD needed the most, so I got into contact with them. When I called, one of the team leaders' wives, Lori Gonzales, answered the phone. She let me know that they would certainly not turn away donated items, but the dilemma that they have been facing is the incredible cost of driving all of the donated items to the south. It has been costing them over $2,000.00 PER LOAD to go and come back.
So they are now asking people who want to get involved to donate Wal-mart gift cards at any amount. They are then going to send volunteer teams from Santa Rosa over to the affected areas in Mississippi and Louisiana with these gift cards, so they can purchase the supplies needed at a local Wal - mart when they get there. This will alleviate the cost of trying to ship donated items from afar. Chris and I are contacting all of the churches in Lake County and asking for their support in buying Wal-mart gift cards. Wal-mart is completely booked until October 8th to set up a donation booth, so in the meantime we are asking the churches to help raise money for these gift cards. Lori from UGO4GOD ministries, was so thankful and supportive over the phone - I haven't met her in person yet, but what an incredible, sweet and genuine woman of God she is!! I look forward to meeting her soon!
If you would like to get involved with what we are doing here in Lake County or Santa Rosa, please feel free to call me at:
(707) 889-0629.
Thank you to all of those who have helped us so far;
~ Lord, thank you for compelling your children to reach out with a heart of love and compassion to the battered, broken and poor in Spirit . . . ~

To find out more about how you can help, get up and go to:
To keep up with the current and ongoing Katrina Relief efforts go to: ugo4God.blogspot.com