Well folks, it's official . . . I am going to have a new sister-n-law!!! Yep, yep, my brother finally did the deed, he proposed to Jenna - FINALLY!!!! After about 3 1/2 years of ups. downs and all arounds in their relationship, they have decided that they can't live without eachother. So next summer sometime in August, Brett and Jenna will "tie the knot".
My kids will be in the wedding of course, Christopher and Joshua will be ring bearers and Alexandria will be the pretty little flower girl. I am in the wedding too as a bridesmaid. Fun stuff . . . So we went out to dinner to a new restaurant in Santa Rosa last night called Flavour or something like that - it was awesome food!!! Brett and Jenna met us there for dinner, it was a good time. They just made googley eye contact and gave mushy gushy kisses all night - I think I threw up in my mouth alittle bit at one point; or maybe it was just the richness of the port wine I had along with chocolate torte for dessert. I dunno . . .
So our moving date is getting closer . . . FINALLY!! I am so "unthrilled" with Christmas this year that I'm not even getting a tree. I feel like it's too much work to drag all of the Christmas decorations out when most of my house is already packed up. Yes, yes I got an early start on packing, but as you should all know, I have this packing thing down to a science being that this will be the SEVENTH, count, SEVENTH time we've moved in six-in-a half years!!!!!!Good Lord!!! HAVE MERCY!!! If I move just one more time . . . . AAGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Well, that's all I have to say about that . . . venting done, enough said.