WHAAAT? Santa chopped his beard, got a haircut and wears hideous yellow T-shirts?!?! Nope, it's my uncle Darol, and I've told him many times that he should get a job as Santa at the mall; Uhh, he would get the job for sure!! And yes, it's true, people actually stay at your local KOA for Christmas, heck I did!!! Oh, but that's because my parents actually own one. And I didn't have the wonderful pleasure of staying in an RV, a cabin or a tent . . . I stayed in my parents' house on the property. Let's back up to the pre KOA experience; before I left to go visit my parents, I got horribly sick!! I had awful body aches, headache, congestion in my head and chest and pretty much just felt like trash!! So I took some good ole' Robistussin to soothe the aches, but no, instead I get HIVES!!
I went to find a pic of hives on google, and who knew?! There is actually a group called THE HIVES!!! Ummm, there are no words to convey about this one . . . uhh, I'm sure someone somewhere in the world likes them . . . And no, I didn't get these hives - I got the
itchy, red kind all over my body and my face!! As if being sick wasn't enough!!
So I was up all night coughing and itching until I couldn't take it anymore, yes, I Nikki Caldon broke down and went to see the doctor!!

I know, I know, for as much as I hate to see the Kaiser doctor's who pretty much just don't give a flyin' flapjack about your condition, I gave in. My doctor took one look at me and said, Oh, dear - I think your pretty sick!! (Ya think?!?!!?! No Sh*t Sherlock!) And I pay this guy?!?! Anywho he gave me some pretty strong antibiotics (which I only take if absolutely necessary) and he told me to stay away from the Robitussin. (double no-brainer doc) He did give me Vicodin for all of the horrible pain that I was in. I was very appreciative of the Vicodin however; it did curb the pain and made me feel REEAAALL goood!!!! Happy times!!! So I was drugged up for christmas and feelin' real special. So we arrived at my mom and dad's house at around 7pm on Saturday night. We had a pretty easy going evening just talking and watching our new dog, Colby, chase after my mom's little dog, booger, oops, I mean buster!!

(He looks like a booger though) Actually he looks like a hotdog- he's a dachsund. I'm thinking that my dog is either gay or obsessed with other doggie's weiners, because my dog was literally trying to go after my mom's dog's winkie the whole time!!! And when my uncle's dog came over to play, my dog did the same thing to him!!! Great, I have a horny dog!! Fun stuff. Well, if that's the only problem he has than good deal. My dog is awesome; he obeys commands, he's housebroken and he is just plain cool. So anyway, we got up at a decent hour on christmas day and the kids went nuts over all of the super cool presents that my parents lavished upon them. I wish I had pictures, but I forgot my camera and I'm waiting for my mom to email hers. I'll post them when I get the chance. Needless to say, christmas was awesome!!

That evening, I brought out some super cool foot scrub that I concocted and gave everyone a foot bath, salt scrub and massage. It was much appreciated by all - they were all happy smiles and in a good mood after I got done with them; I on the other hand, got a foot bath full of grimy toe-jam water to clean up!! Oh well, the things I do for people . . .