
I started taking karate a little over a month ago, and it has been a wonderful "outlet" for me, being a busy full - time mother of three wonderful, yet busy children! I love learning all of the new moves and the way I feel all bruised and sore after every practice!! ( haha) I am currently trying to "achieve" my first stripe on my white belt; yes, yes, I know, I'm pretty special -
eh- hem . . . Anyways, I was able to make it to my first Saturday class, (a miracle in and of itself) and I had the best time!! The weather was perfect for the occasion; rainy and cold. (My idea of a wonderful day spent inside!!) I learned a Karate technique called "Sparring".

It is a form of training common to martial arts, and although it's precise form varies, it is relatively free-form fighting. It has enough rules, customs or agreements to make injury unlikely. Okay, so enough of the technical jibber jabber about it . . . it's basically, just pretty much - alot of fun!! I got to put on all sorts of "cool" gear consisting of a big, bulky (sexy, I might add; J/K!! ) chest protector, sparring gloves and shoes. I looked like serious business folks. Think Bruce Lee meets Rocky. . . I felt pretty clumsy, but it worked out okay. So I got to practice kicking and throwing punches with my super awesome instructor, uh, I mean, Sifu, AKA - "Bad Sifu" . . . (I will protect the identity of his real name for his privacy) Oh and no, "Bad Sifu" not a cheesy pun on bad seafood

; I got the whole "411" on the name - it's a whole Yin - Yang thing, don't ask . . . After we practiced kicks and punches, we brought the mats out to practice Sparring. We learned a move called "Arm Bars"? (I think that is what it is called) I had a very interesting and fun time learning these . . . I don't think I got enough practice time though; I had to leave early, so I probably need to be taught all over again and just practice them over and over again until I get it just right. The only drawback to all of this great fun is that I aquired quite a lovely looking bruise on my shin from kicking "bad Sifu" in the forearm - ouch!! I should be looking wonderfully "marked up" in just a few weeks time- afterall, who needs tattoos when they can have a nice collection of never-ending bruises all over their body?!?! (they make for great little "conversations pieces") Good times, good times . . . Well, as a friend of mine recently commented, not every day can be filled with
"rainbows and roses" . . .
(Oh, uh, what is that?!?! Rainbows and Roses?! No way . . .)
Well I my response to that, my dear friend is that I try to make every day full of "rainbows and roses", even when the sky is gloomy and the people around you are poking you with their "cold pricklies" and creating a horrible stench with their personalities!! (Okay, so I went alittle "over the top" with that one, but then again, I'm alittle "over the top" anyways!!) Well, I am definitely looking forward to this Tuesday where I can "add to my fine collection" of bruises!! (It's not really that bad; I'm just a big baby!!) Well, *Set* * Salute* and *Bows* to all of you, and have a great week if I don't see you!! (you know who you are)
**Note to self: Okay, it appears to everyone that I am a complete dork for blogging about my karate experiences, but on the other hand, who the heck cares?!?!?!
P.S.S. - I still argue that a "silent KI" shouldn't be called that, because it's not really silent, I think they should rename it a "quiet KI", but that's just me . . .