I have been in a songwriting mood lately, so here is one of the songs that I wrote.

~ Take Me Away~
I cannot bear to gaze at your stare
For more than a moment, I won't dare
Spellbound my eyes, they hit the floor
Captured and ravished to the core
Burning with passion, laden with love
My heart cries, take me away
If just for a moment
If just for awhile
To taste of your beauty
touched by your love
Surrounded, protected, take me away
Make me your own and take me away
You think you've got it figured out
But I know the wiser, I see right thru
To the depths of your being, if you were true
Your wanting, your waiting for this journey
So never say never, let this begin and
take me away . . .

Okay, so I never said I was a great songwriter or anything, but who cares!! It's fun, it's a hobby - enough justifiying myself for writing cheesy songs, enough said . . .