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I'd like to share with you one really good paragraph of his that struck me the most . . .What is Christianity anymore? Really? It certainly isn't what Christ intended for it to be. Christianity has become a religion unto itself, a club with required membership, life-long member benefits such as life, death and fire insurance that will never expire as long as you show up on Sunday morning looking spiffy with a grin and a "God-Bless". Because of the judgmentality, aloof attitudes, infighting and general inability of "Christians" to be IN this world without damning it to hell on a daily basis, rather than just being OF this world; Christians are now seen as Bible-wielding maniacs; and the savior who's virtues they espouse so vehemently has been turned into no more than a mythical patriarch who lords over a group of social pariahs that excel in contradicting themselves on a daily and public stage.It seems to me that over the course of time and due in large part to the actions and/or inactions of well-meaning-yet-not-too-bright "believers and followers", Christianity has become the new F-word; Socially Unacceptable. I've lost my faith in Christianity, maybe now I can finally get down to knowing God.
(AKA - Things that make ya go, hmmmmmm . . .)