HI ya'll! I've been reading this amazing book titled, "A long love letter", written by Margaret Ruth Baker and it is a book that takes all of the promises of God and lays them out in a really basic way that is easy to take in and comprehend.
~ Plan ~
Beloved -
It is a lost art to cherish and quiet and solitude and a set apart, holy life. That makes it even more precious to Me. So many fill their lives with the clutter of the mundane, the unimportant and the trivial that will all be burned up as wood, hay and stubble when they leave life and earth. They will look back and only see a puff of smoke, a vapor disappearing that represents all of their efforts and time on earth. They have not stopped long enough to search for MY DIRECTION. They fail to look up and LIVE, TRULY LIVE, the purpose and meaning I have planned for their lives. They are caught up on a treadmill, in a maze that leads to nowhere, amid the noise of nothing. Thank you, for coming, for listening and for waiting attentively for My direction and purpose for your life. Your taking time to come apart will be greatly rewarded.
I will share My love and My concern and My interest in the plan I have for your life. Because of My great love for the unique creation I have made in you, it will be a way like no other - one that fits only you. It will be a plan to bless you, for your good and welfare, a plan to prosper you in all areas and ways and means. Reach out and embrace My perfect plan for your life. It will save you from much needless sorrow and pain and suffering and dissapointment. As you wait and watch and listen - I will share My heart with you and bless you abundantly for I, truly, love and care about you and long to commune with you . . .
~ God
(paraphrased by Margaret Ruth Baker)
(paraphrased by Margaret Ruth Baker)
Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. I AM mindful of the plans I have made for your good, says Jehovah. The thoughts I think toward you are of peace and wholeness and not trouble or misfortune, says Adoni. I, alone, know My purpose for you and it is for your well-being and to prosper you. I will bless you with a future of success and NOT SUFFERING! I AM reserving a future FULL OF HOPE for you! I have plans for your welfare and not for woe. I have given you a destiny and an expected end, declares Yahweh.