This weekend Chris and I attended a "Healing & Restoration" conference out at the Lord's Land, a christian retreat center, located on the beautiful Mendocino coast of Northern California. The Lord's Land was built in the sixties, by an amazing German woman, when all of the hippies of that era were getting saved. There are wooden signs all over the property to look at, and other awesome knick nacks to enjoy! The purpose of this conference was based off of Neil T. Anderson's ministry, Freedom in Christ ministries,, a ministry designed to show people how to break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of habitual, sinful behavior.
We attended this conference with some members of our church, as well as Pastor Brad & Rhonda,Pastor Bob, and some of the members from our sister church, Cobb Mountain Community Church. We arrived late on Friday evening. It was rainy and dark when we got there, so we really couldn't see much of the scenery. We hung out for the rest of the evening in the main cabin and meeting area. We were then escorted to our cabin, which was labeled the "prayer and fasting cabin". (Each cabin had a different name) Our Ole' hippie friend, Jim Fulkerson & Tim Shellenberger were hanging out in our cabin when we arrived, as it was used during the day for prayer and worship. (Jim, I love the fact that you're still a Jesus Lovin', rockin' hippie, and Tim, well, I'm just glad that you are a Jesus Lovin' kinda guy!!!) Our cabin was very rustic, yet quaint. Our bed was in a loft where you had to climb up this wooden ladder to get there! On the ceiling above the bed were two huge skylights, and at the head of the bed there was a huge pained window. After drinking much coffee in the main cabin earlier, I had to tinkle. I inquired about where the bathroom might be; Good ole' Jim and Tim kindly responded by taking us up this short trek behind the cabin to an outhouse. On the door, were carved the words, "Love suffers long" and "Love is patient"! Funny stuff. The guys left and Chris and I were left alone. Chris urged me to use the primitive commode, and so I proceeded to do so with the door wide open, Chris staring at me, as well as anything and everything out in the woods!! I laughed soooo hard and got so nervous that I couldn't go!! (I got "stage fright")
"The humble commode" "Love Suffers Long"
The next morning, Chris and I woke up to soaring redwood trees, and the rain falling onto the skylight windows above our bed. It was a really cool moment, and we laid there in sheer awe, drinking in the beauty of God's creation. Wild!! Anyhow, we quickly got dressed and hiked up to the main cabin, where a grandiose breakfast awaited us! Dan the man, Lambeth, AKA - "super awesome chef of the year" was our cook for the weekend. Hats off to you Dan, you "brought it dude" and what a servant's heart; I don't think you ever left that kitchen!!
"Hangin' with the family of God" "Me and my girl Heidi!"
After breakfast, the first group of people went off to their "healing sessions" while the rest of us stayed and got our instruments out. We had an awesome time worshipping the Lord, and interceding for those in their sessions. By the time we were done with worship and prayer, lunch was done and those who were away at their morning sessions had returned. After lunch, Chris and I went our separate ways to attend our own personal healing sessions. I was scared at first, because earlier that morning, our leaders had given us these sheets to fill out about our personal lives. The sheets wanted you to be very specific about ANY & EVERY area of sin, habits and other shtuff in our lives that we wanted to be free of! It was good, but kinda embarrassing to have to expose some areas of my life!! What a relief though, afterwards, because God really healed me and set me free from a lot of bondage's and areas of sin that I was struggling with. I felt as though a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders. By allowing God to "shed His light" into all of the dark places in my heart, it brought healing, restoration and freedom to release in my Spirit! Rhonda and Joan were my leaders in the session, and they were SO compassionate, gracious and understanding throughout the whole thing!!
Nervous to "Go into "The Session" (dun, dun don!) After "The Session"
After I was finished with my session, we headed back up to the main cabin for dinner. Awesome again, Mr. Lambeth!! After dinner, the guys all got out their guitars and I hopped on my keyboard, (not literally, of course) and we spent the rest of the evening in a beautiful time of worship and fellowship in front of the cozy fire.
On the last day, after the last group of people went to their sessions, two members of the Cobb church, Larry and Stephanie, got married on the retreat grounds!! We held a simple ceremony for them at around three in the afternoon. I had the honor of doing the bride's hair and make-up! (surprise, surprise ;) ) Despite the incredibly small amount of time that I had to get her ready, she looked simply ravishing, and the brief wedding ceremony was very touching. I'm not a budding photographer by any stretch, but somehow I became the "designated photographer" for the ceremony. I think I got some good photo shots of everyone, though! What a great ending to a perfect weekend!!
Outside the main meeting cabin Starbucks . . . On the way home . . . Alittle Grumpy . . .Waitin' for my Latte!!
On the way home, Chris and I took this really cool "secret road" that goes over the mountain home; it is an alternate route instead of having to go over both mountains(St. Helena & Spring Mtns.) home from Santa Rosa. It's called . . . Shhhhh . . . . "Ida Clayton Rd." . . It is treacherous, it's daring, and half way thru not paved, but a hecka of alotta fun!! I held on to my "O' Shnikies Bar", all the way!! (ya know, that little handle thingy at the roof of the car that you hold on to?!) But lemme' tell ya, O' so fast of a way to get home!! It took us about twenty minutes to get to Middletown from the Calistoga area! Good times, Good times . . .
Thank you to Pastor Brad and Rhonda for such a wonderful time.
Good Ole' Pastor Bob
Pastor Bob, AKA - my Hermano Grande', you really DO look like Richard Gere (The actor)!! Thanks for pushing me to the limits in ministering unto the Lord this weekend. ;)
Jim and Tim, YOU ROCK THE HOUSE!!! Dan and Sally Lambeth, you are true servants - we are forever touched by your graciousness. . . Oooh, and Joan and Pam, I'll let you pray for me ANYTIME!! The neck and back are feelin' Oh so good; I'm going to measure my height - I'll report back to you!
**** Praise God for the beautiful family of God that He has blessed me with!