I belong to a group on Facebook called, “Power packed prayers”. They send me daily prayers and encouragements about various things.

I love to read these and I particularly liked this one so much that I thought I would share it! This is my prayer too . . .
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for this day filled with Your mercies which are new every morning. We lift our hearts to You in praise and thanksgiving for all You are doing in our lives and the lives of those You have brought to us in Jesus' name. We bring honor and glory to Your throne of grace Father and lay them at Your feet in humble adoration.
We applaud Your Righteousness and Sovereignty. We applaud Your Glory and Grace. We love You Father because You first loved us. May Your Righteousness fill our hearts and fill the earth in Jesus' name. Father, You have said in Your word that the wheat must grow up with the tare, that the sheep must grow up with the goats.
Father, we pray for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon the earth. We pray for a fresh anointing upon Your people oh God, that they would step out in a new refreshing to do Your will. Father, we know Your hand is on India, we know Your hand is on Israel, we know that Your hand is upon all nations of the earth and that You are seeing all that is happening.
We know that You are in control and that Your ways are higher than our ways, that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We may not fully understand now what Your whole plan is but we trust You completely.
As we read Your word and see how things turned out through the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to know that You have a plan and that evil will be thwarted in the end. WE give You all the praise and glory! Help us Father to discern the times, help us to hear You speak to our hearts, help us to reach out to the hurting ones Lord.
Help us to be sensitive to Your heart and to Your voice Father and lead us not into temptation in Jesus' name. Deliver us from evil and the evil one Father and deliver us into Your place of victory in Jesus' name.
Father comfort those who are afflicted and persecuted for our Lord Jesus' name sake. Father, draw upon the hearts of Your people to pray and reach out in Jesus' name.
Father, open the doors that You would have open and close the doors that You would have closed for our benefit in Jesus' name.
Father bless the pastors and the work that You have called them to. Bless the flock Lord and draw them closer to You. Father open their eyes and ears to see and hear Your Spirit speaking. We are seated together in Christ Jesus in heavenly places Father, reveal these seats and draw us into our divine destinies in Jesus' name.
Thank You for Your faithful provision Father. Thank You for Your daily grace which is sufficient in all things. Father, pour out an extra measure of Your grace upon our persecuted brothers and sisters today for Your glory. Father gird them up in Your strength and accomplish Your will in Jesus' name.
Bless the work of our hands Lord and the fruit of our lips. Give into our hands more souls for Your kingdom Father, for Your glory.
Deliver the oppressed and the broken hearted with Your healing and continue to use us for Your kingdom and Your glory, in Jesus' glorious name.
~ Amen
(Prayer by Mary Burris)