Last Wednesday evening after he got off of work, Matt drove all the way from Santa Rosa to Visalia, to pick me up. We left on Thursday morning to go back to Santa Rosa, where his best friend, Nick was getting married on Saturday. On Thursday evening, Matt took me to this awesome Puerto Rican restaurant, and then we went out for ice cream afterwards. He suggested that we take a drive out to the beach, so we could watch the sunset. It was a gorgeous evening and a beautiful drive out to the coast. When we arrived, the sun had already set, and it was getting dark. When we got out of Matt’s truck, we walked along one of the trails that led out to the beach. The wind had picked up a little, and it had become quite chilly outside. All bundled up in my pea coat, and Matt in his hooded sweatshirt, we went for a stroll along the sandy dunes for a bit, before finding a place to sit and talk. It was a clear nights sky as we talked about our future, and laughed at how quickly we met and fell in love. It was perfect; we were gazing at the stars, trying to make out the constellations in the sky for quite some time before we just sat silent, taking in all of our beautiful surroundings.
I broke the silence by asking if he wanted to leave, because at this point we were both shivering, and he slyly replied, “Okay . . . . (he paused for a moment) right after I ask you to marry me.” My eyes grew large, and I looked at him confused and said, “What do you mean?!” He then handed me a big, beautiful, shiny ring and said, “Nicole, will you marry me?” I excitedly replied, “YES!! Yes, yes, yes! A million times over, YES!” My heart was beating out of my chest at this point, as I quickly took the promise ring that he had given me just one month earlier, and placed it from my left ring finger, to my right. He then took the new engagement ring, gazed lovingly into my eyes, and as he proudly slipped it on my finger, we shared a long, passionate kiss.

It was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever experienced!! To be with someone that you connect on so many levels with, and to share the same love for the Lord, is simply divine. I am so excited about our new life together, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my days here on earth with Matthew Kirby!
To continue my story, Matt and I giggled and got up from where we were sitting and practically ran back to his truck. We spent the whole rest of the evening talking about our future together, and drinking in the reality that we were now more than just “boyfriend and girlfriend"; we were engaged!!
We had a glorious weekend at Nick and Amy’s wedding, and before we knew it, Sunday had come. We spent the whole morning on Sunday attending church with Matt’s grandma and dad. It was nice meeting them for the first time, and Matt’s grandma really liked me!
We quickly went home after church to change into more appropriate “travel attire”, loaded the rig and headed for our first destination to Roseville. We had to go get all of my stuff that was still at Doug’s house, and bring it home to Visalia. It took us an hour n’ a half to load all of mine and the kids things, but it was a relief to just be out of there, so I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. When we stopped at a gas station to fill up his tank, I washed his windshield for him. He couldn’t get enough of that, so he started taking a bunch of pics!

We arrived in Visalia at about 9pm on Sunday evening, just in time to celebrate the Fourth of July with my children, parents, grandpa Tom, Michael and Launa. We had a blast doing fireworks with the kids, and Matt and I were so happy to come home and share the news of our new engagement! It was so nice to have everyone welcome Matt into our family, and most of all, to gain the blessing and approval of my parents and my grandpa!

Monday morning, Matt woke up and put a new part on my car that had worn out. (He takes care of me sooooo well!!) I made him a nice breakfast when he came in from working on my car.

We just relaxed and spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon enjoying each other’s company. At about 2pm, he had to start heading home. We said our goodbye’s, and held and kissed each other until we finally had to part. We were both sad as he drove away, but hopeful about our wonderful and glorious future that lies ahead . . .