Here's what Mr. Osteen writes . . .

"The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment in order to see that dream fulfilled. Consider an oak tree. If you plant it in a pot, it can grow no further. The problem is not with the tree; it is with the environment. It is stifling growth. Perhaps you have bigger things in your heart than your present environment can facilitate. That's why, at times, God will stir you out of a comfortable situation. When you go through persecution and rejection, it's not always because somebody has it in for you. Sometimes that's God's way of directing you into His perfect will. He's trying to get you to stretch to the next level. He knows you're not going to go without a push, so He'll make it uncomfortable for you to stay where you are currently. The mistake we make at times is getting negative and sour; we focus on what didn't work out. When we do that, we inhibit the opening of new doors.
Throughout life, we're not always going to understand everything that happens along the way. But we've got to learn to trust God. We've got to believe that He has us in the palm of His hand, that He is leading and guiding us, that He always has our best interests at heart. Somebody may have rejected you, but you can hold your head up high knowing this: God accepts you. God approves of you. And He has something better in store.

Friend, don't die with the treasure still inside you. Keep pressing forward. Keep reaching for new heights. Give birth to what God had placed in your heart. Don't let other people talk you out of your dreams. Listen to what God says about you, not all of the negative voices. When you have rejection and disappointment, don't stay there. Know that God has another plan. That closed door simply means God has something better in store. You may not have experienced God's favor in the past, but this is a new day. You have not seen, heard or imagined the wonderful things that God has in store for you. Don't be weighed down by the distractions and disappointments in life; instead, keep stretching to the next level, reaching for your highest potential. If you do that, I can tell you with confidence your best days are in front of you. God is going to show you more of His blessings and favor, and you will become a better you, better than you ever dreamed possible."
~ Excerpt taken from the book Become a better you written by Joel Osteen
Remember though, God can't have just a piece of you, He needs all of your devotion and heart if you want Him to fulfill the God-given desires that are in your heart. He won't fulfill the dreams that are not of Him, and that don't line up with His Word, The Bible. He can't bless your life either, if you are walking in blatant, willful, disobedience to His Word. You must surrender your will to His, if you want to go forward in life.
~ Nikki Fairbanks

Here's more about what Mr. Osteen writes about . . . .
"If you will have the right attitude, you will give birth to more in the future than you've lost in the past. Quit looking back. This is a new day. It may seem like your dreams have died, but God can resurrect your dead dreams or give you brand - new ones. He is a supernatural God and when we believe, all things are possible!
God has not given up on you; He knows that He put seeds of greatness in you. You have something to offer that nobody else has. He's given you noble dreams and desires. When one door closes, God will always open another. If all the doors close, He'll open a window! God always wants to give you a fresh beginning. He still has a great plan for your life. Do you know when that's going to happen? It will commence the moment you quit looking back. Whenever you quit grieving over what you've lost. Nothing will keep you from the good things of God as much as living in the past! Instead of focusing on your mistakes and dwelling on your failures, let it go and receive God's mercy. Yes, you've made some mistakes, you've made some poor choices, but I know that God has another seed. I know He has another plan . . .
"If you will have the right attitude, you will give birth to more in the future than you've lost in the past. Quit looking back. This is a new day. It may seem like your dreams have died, but God can resurrect your dead dreams or give you brand - new ones. He is a supernatural God and when we believe, all things are possible!
God has not given up on you; He knows that He put seeds of greatness in you. You have something to offer that nobody else has. He's given you noble dreams and desires. When one door closes, God will always open another. If all the doors close, He'll open a window! God always wants to give you a fresh beginning. He still has a great plan for your life. Do you know when that's going to happen? It will commence the moment you quit looking back. Whenever you quit grieving over what you've lost. Nothing will keep you from the good things of God as much as living in the past! Instead of focusing on your mistakes and dwelling on your failures, let it go and receive God's mercy. Yes, you've made some mistakes, you've made some poor choices, but I know that God has another seed. I know He has another plan . . .

"What happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future" ~ Joel Osteen