So I'm reading this really awesome book written by Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. It is titled, "Strengthen yourself in the Lord", and there is a section that really awestruck me, simply because it has brought some clarity to me regarding God fulfilling His purposes in my life. Read on if I've sparked your interest . . .
"We are living in a time when the Lord is restoring this revelation to His people - that the blood of Jesus was not shed merely to save us from our sins, but to restore us to a relationship with God in which we partner with Him as kings and priests to bring the planet under His rule and reign. We have delagated authority to establish His kingdom wherever the sole of our foot treads. But the fact is, while God calls us "kings", the degree to which we walk in that position is a matter of potential. And as Larry Randolph points out, God is not responsible for making us reach our potential. "
*** "A lot of believers think God is not fulfilling the prophetic words over their lives because they have missed the fact that the word was pointing to their potential, which requires their participation." ***
"God won't fulfill your potential because he wants you to become a mature believer who thinks and acts like Him out of your own free will. Mature believers are those He can TRUST with the secrets of His heart because they will not use the favor He gives FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES, but for His" . . .