I was with my very best friend's today, the Damante's, and we were driving home from a very beautiful walk this afternoon. As we pulled up near their driveway, I noticed some vultures in the road. The next thing we saw was a cat, obviously dead, and seemed to look very familiar. As we stopped to look, we realized that it was the Damante's very own beloved cat, Kona. Kona was a beautiful siamese cat of about a year old. He had captivating turquoise eyes and followed us when we went on walks on the Damantes' property. Kona was an outside cat who was full of love and very affectionate to all who knew him. He loved to be around the children when they played.

The Damante girls, Desiree, Isabel, Mariah and Alyssa were very crushed to see their beloved cat go to a better place. About a week ago, we heard reports from the neighbor that there was a mountain lion prowling around the properties, and it seemed to have gotten ahold of Kona, because he came home with a gashing wound in his thigh. It was a horrible sight and we thought of taking him to the vet, however we knew that they would not do very much for it, and it would prove to be very costly. We let the wound heal on it's own and seemed to be doing better this week. When animals have a wound, wild animals can smell it, and it looks like one of the wild beasts came to finish the job and they were successful this time. Kona will always remain dear to our hearts and we willnever forget him. May we all be grateful for the wonderful and special animals that the Lord gives us to enjoy and love for a short time here on this earth . Kona your in a better place where we will meet again someday . . .