So I was at my friend's house the other evening, and as we sat on her bed in her room, we got into some pretty deep conversations about God. There was soft worship music playing in the background and the atmosphere was so serene. We started praying for different things and my daughter Allie kept running in and out of the room. She was just laying next to me on the bed as I prayed, and she at times seemed to be praying too. (I kept hearing her mumble words like "Dear Lord", "Oh Jesus", things like that, with her head buried in her hands!! How precious!) We didn't notice that our other friend, Kera, had come into the room while we were praying. She had her camera and started taking pictures of us while we prayed!! (How funny!)

one point I started praying over my daughter, Allie, that the Lord would always keep her heart tender and pure before Him, that He would guide her footsteps all the days of her life, and that she would grow in beauty and grace to bring inspiration, and to reach out in love, compassion and comfort to the broken-hearted and poor in spirit in this world. (After all, she has quite a name to live up to, Alexandria Grace, means "Defender of man-kind, Gracious One"!) It was a beautiful time and I felt such a peace when we finished praying. I have been so caught up with the craziness of life that I haven't really had a "time - out" like this to just sit, meditate and pray. It was so refreshing and my daughter also sensed this; she wanted to sit with me the whole time and just "soak" it all in! It was also such a wonderful thing for my daughter to hear me praying and speaking blessings over her life. Though she may be young, her little spirit understands what I am saying, and she loved every minute of it!! After I was done praying for her, she looked up at me, grabbed my face and said, "Thank you mommy, I love you too!" Needless to say, I was cut to the heart by her words!!!

For those of you that have a child/children, I would greatly encourage and exhort you to make the time and sit with them for awhile - just start to encourage their little hearts by praying and pronouncing blessings over them; though they may not fully understand what you are doing, their spirit knows and when they are older, they will remember the intimate things that you so gently and dearly spoke into their hearts as a small child; these will be great treasures for your children and they will carry those words spoken over them in their hearts for the rest of their lives . . .