I love streams, rivers and ponds; they are peaceful to me. I love the rain, staying inside, curled up by the fireplace, sipping hot tea, reading a good book; preferably one written by John Eldridge. I love snow – it is very quiet and soothing; I like to catch snowflakes on my tongue! (Childish maybe, but I don’t care!) I love music!!! I could go on for hours about music, but quite simply, music is a part of who I am; I eat breathe and sleep music. I love our band, Undone, we rock!
I love my children, they are precious and beautiful. I love to just sit and listen to them; they have the most interesting things to say!
I love my two friends, Sarah and Amanda; they are quite possibly the most fabulous people that I know!!
I love my crazy, insane life-time friend, Brian, eventhough he is total spazz. (But I still won't EVER forgive you for the time our band was trapped for endless hours in Larry's T-bird, YOU, hotboxing it with your farts!!!! No more gas station burritos for you, pal. . . ) I do love the way Brian shreds his electric guitar though. Sweetness!!
I really love my husband and I am so grateful that through all of our failures, that we have learned to respect and honor each other, learned to forgive and be forgiven, and most of all that we didn't give up on our marriage when we wanted to the most. We have learned the meaning of commitment and dedication, not through our successes, but through our failures. We know that we made vows before God, and we now understand the importance of keeping those vows.
On the more serious side, I love dairy products; however they don't like me, as I am lactose intolerant! I don’t like pickles, except for in tuna sandwiches. I love eating cereal late at night. I say the word “ruined” funny; all of my friends would agree! I love watching senseless comedies like Napoleon Dynamite, as I find really dumb things hilarious! I try to make people laugh; it feels good to see someone smile. I hate zits; I ‘m thirty and I feel that it is an injustice to still get them at my age! I love my dog, Colby Jack, He rocks!!